Membership Report
Active 90
Non-Member 2
Retired 32
Gold 2
NALC CCA City Carier Assistant Resource Guide will help you better understand your job as well as benefits and your conversion process.
This salary and rate schedule is the current paychart for all NALC represented employees:
NALC CCA City Carier Assistant Rights & Benefits is a guide to help you better understand your rights as a CCA and the benefits you are entitled to.
Questions & Answers for CCAs
Glossary of Postal Terms
The terms "opting" and "hold-down" refer to the same thing and are part of the USPS-NALC National Agreement. When a full-time regular assignment (e.g., a route) is temporarily vacant for five days or more, eligible letter carriers have the right to "opt" or "hold down" that assignment for the duration of the vacancy.
Who Can Opt?
Full-time reserve (FTR)
Full-time flexible (FTF)
Unassigned full-time regular (UAR)
Part-time flexible (PTF)
City carrier assistant (CCA)
Requirements for New CCAs:
New CCAs must complete a 60-calendar day waiting period before they can opt on a hold-down assignment. After this, there are no additional waiting periods.
CCAs are paid time and one-half for all work over eight hours in a service day and over 40 hours in a service week. This is referred to as regular overtime.
CCAs are paid double time for all work over 10 hours in a service day and over 56 hours in a service week. This is referred to as penalty overtime. (Penalty overtime does not apply during the December exclusion period. See a steward for more information.)
These pay rates are established in Article 8, Section 4 of the National Agreement
New CCAs have 60 days from their hire date to sign up for health insurance. As a CCA you have access to the USPS Non-career Health Plan.
You will sign up thru www.liteblue.gov.
If you do not sign up in your first 60 days then you must wait for open season unless you have a qualifying life event like marriage or a having a child. Open season is the second Monday of November until the second Monday of December every year.
In our 2016-2019 contract the Postal Service’s bi-weekly contribution is $125 toward self-only coverage in the USPS Non-career Health Plan. The Postal Service’s contribution toward self-plus-one and self-and-family coverage in the USPS NCHP in the initial year of CCA employment is 65 percent of the premium costs. In the second year of CCA employment and beyond, the USPS share will rise to 75 percent of the total premium.
NALC CCA Retirement Savings Plan is a retirement income plan designed for City Carrier Assistants (CCA’s) to supplement your pension. You make small payments to the plan while you're young, so you can receive a lifetime of monthly payments after you retire—even if you live to be 200!
Annual leave is paid vacation time, credited to CCAs as it is earned. CCAs can earn up to 13 days of annual leave per year based on the number of hours they work each pay period. This leave can be used for personal convenience, when you are sick or as bereavement when a family member passes away. You can request to use leave by filling out a PS Form 3971 and submitting it to a supervisor. Any unused leave will be paid out to you in a lump sum after the end of your 360 day tour. It does not roll over to your next tour. You will also be paid out any remaining leave at time of conversion