Membership Report
Active 90
Non-Member 2
Retired 32
Gold 2
Section 3: Duties of the Recording Secretary
Record Keeping: The Recording Secretary shall keep a correct record of the proceedings of the Branch in a book to be kept for that purpose.
Financial Management: They shall draw all warrants on the Treasurer ordered by the Branch.
Membership Communication: They shall notify applicants for membership in writing of their election or rejection, and members of their suspension, expulsion or acceptance of resignation.
Reporting: They shall report to the National Secretary-Treasurer immediately the suspension, expulsion, or reinstatement of a member.
Correspondence: They shall attend to all correspondence of the Branch, and properly mark and file all papers ready for inspection at any time.
Meeting Notification: They shall notify the members of special meetings when ordered by the President.
Semi-Annual Report: They shall make semi-annually a report to the Branch showing the number of members elected, rejected, initiated, suspended, reinstated, withdrawn, and the number of deaths, giving date of death; also, the receipts, benefits paid, amount expended, and amount on hand.
Transition: Within one week after their term expires, or upon an earlier termination thereof, they shall deliver to their successor all books and papers together with all other property of the Branch in their possession.