Membership Report
Active 90
Non-Member 2
Retired 32
Gold 2
Section 4: Duties of the Financial Secretary
Record Keeping: The Financial Secretary shall keep a record book showing the names of members, when admitted and place of residence.
Financial Management: They shall collect dues and all other moneys due the Branch, keep a regular account thereof, and pay the same to the Treasurer at each meeting or when necessary.
Communication: They shall personally, or through duly authorized deputies, solicit payment from all members in arrears, and furnish the President with a list of members not entitled to vote on the day of an election.
Reporting: They shall semi-annually furnish the National Secretary-Treasurer with a list of names of all the members of the Branch in good standing and notify them monthly of the election of new members, also those suspended, expelled, deceased or resigned.
Accountability: They shall keep an account of all properties, investments, and funds of the Branch which shall be open for inspection at all times.
Transition: At the end of their term, they shall make a report, and deliver to their successor in office, all the books, papers and property in their possession belonging to the Branch.
Bonding: To ensure the faithful performance of their duties, the Financial Secretary and their deputies shall be bonded in such amount and in such manner as the Branch may direct.
Section 5: Duties of the Treasurer
Financial Management: The Treasurer shall receive, receipt for, and disburse all moneys of the Branch, and keep a regular account thereof.
Payment of Warrants: They shall pay all warrants drawn on them by the Recording Secretary voted by the Branch and signed by the President, and have all accounts receipted upon payment of the same.
Reporting: They shall, whenever requested by the President, and at the end of their term, make a report showing their receipts, disbursements and amount of money on hand.
Transition: They shall deliver their books, papers and money to their successor in office, when qualified.
Bonding: To ensure the faithful performance of their duties, they shall be required to furnish a bond in such sum as the Branch may direct.